6th year Wedding Anniversary in Peru – Raul & Melanie | Destination Wedding Photographer

Today I am really excited to share with you an extra special session we did in Peru for Raul & Melanie. It is the sixth year of marriage they are celebrating together and I am so happy for them! As you can imagine I couldn’t say yes fast enough when they asked if I would go to Peru to photograph them. Not only did they want to go somewhere special, but Melanie also designed and sewed her own stunning gown from a beautiful fabric she found in Mexico City. Her talent and style really showed through with her gown.

We decided to get a rental car and head out to Salinas de Maras in Maras, Peru. The drive was beautiful, but it was nerve wracking to go down the little winding switch-back road to the mines. (We got stuck on the way out because of so many people trying to come down!) These little salt mines are locally owned and operated and the locals were so friendly. It was so breathtaking to see the hundreds of little pools of salt and all the colorful shades. Needless to say, it was the perfect spot for Raul & Melanie. We spent two hours exploring and walking around the mines, really enjoying it’s natural beauty.

From there we headed back to Cuzco, but not without making a stop on the way see some baby Alpacas and the gorgeous Valley. The Artisans had tables upon tables of handmade goods made with the fur of the Alpaca as well as water and snacks. We really enjoyed seeing it all during our country-side drive. A few days later we made it out to Machu Picchu, which the photos do no justice to. It truly is a sight you must see in person to appreciate fully.

To finish our trip and their wedding anniversary session, we spent some time in Lima seeing the major sights and drinking Pisco Sours. We were looking forward to visiting the ocean, however the beaches were quite rocky and it was very windy. The entire trip summed up though was nothing short of amazing! I feel so honored to have accompanied them on their adventure and am so excited for the next destination session!

Happy Anniversary!


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